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新加坡驻华大使馆外交官 做客北京新加坡国际学校

08/08/2023 512


On Friday, April 7th, which coincided with Good Friday, a national holiday in Singapore, Mr. Tang Jui Piow from the Singapore Embassy in China, visited Beijing Singapore International School under the invitation of school leadership team. Accompanied by the school leaders, Mr. Tang Jui Piow visited the Anzhen campus, watched the students’ performances, and had friendly communications with the school management.


  After visiting the renovated campus, Mr. Tang Jui Piow learned about the history of Beijing Singapore International School being one of the first international schools in Beijing, composition of the current student body, the Chinese-English bilingual education that SIA advocates, and the teaching practice of ‘Singapore Math’. Mr. Tang Jui Piow also inspected the projects on the cultivation of gifted children jointly carried out by the school and Ein Thinking.

In the communication with the school,  Mr. Mahesh extended a warm welcome to Mr. Tang Jui Piow, where he introduced the upcoming inter-provincial student exchange program. The two sides expressed their consensus on further strengthening the exchange visits between Chinese and Singaporean students. Kara Ma, director of school development, said that she looks forward to bringing more Chinese students to experience the real Singaporean school education.

Mr. Tang Jui Piow then watched the students’ performance for Easter.

He Jing, Kara Ma, and Ricky Wang, accompanied the whole process.