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Beijing BISS International School and ETU Education Celebrate 2019 World Autism Awareness Day

25/04/2019 2939

World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD) is an internationally recognized day on April 2ndevery year to raise awareness about people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). To celebrate the 12th WAAD, BISS co-hosted a public welfare event themed “Just Like You” with ETU Education and several other NGOs including China Social Welfare Foundation on March 31st. Pre K-12 Principal Dawid Bochen, BISS Director Elvis Tan and ETU Education Co-founder Yinuo Li attended the event.


The event began with an exhibition and charity auction of paintings from autistic children and BISS students. Then autistic families, students, artists gave a wonderful performance together.


BISS students actively participated in the event and expressed their love for autistic community in Beijing. Grade 12 student Peter Wen played his own music compositionThe Masteron stagewith vocal part performed by another Grade 12 student Francis Shen. 

Peter Wen G12 瑞宁/摄

Francis Shen G12 瑞宁/摄


Grace Zhu from Grade 11 performed a piano duet with Baicheng, one of the autistic children artist. 

Grace Zhu G11 瑞宁/摄


Shirley Tao, also from Grade 12, starred in a short film Shimmer, which aims to raise awareness for the social integration issue of senior autistic children. Shirley’s painting was also featured in the charity sale and all money collected are donated to autistic families in-need. More BISS students participated in the Adulthood Ceremony with autistic children. ETU chorus team performed a song during the event.

Shirley Tao G12 瑞宁/摄


“We will come up with a long-term volunteer service program for BISS students, and work together to raise awareness of autism. Understanding people with various social backgrounds is part of our school’s core value of education. The event’s spirit resonates with our belief in holistic education,” said Elvis Tan, Director of BISS.


 “Every child is special in its own way. Education needs to overlook all children and teach about the reality and how to make positive impact,” said Yinuo Li, Co-founder of ETU Education, “ETU and BISS will join together on this program and explore new possibilities on student service programs.”

Elvis Tan 玄力/摄