News & Events

Teachers as Learners

20/11/2019 3222

At BISS we believe that most effective professional development takes place in the context of the school. This is why we maintain the tradition of reserving a couple of teachers’ only days in the calendar, and last Thursday and Friday all BISS teachers participated in in-house professional learning activities. Teachers’ professional development is identified as a significant factor that positively impacts students’ learning.


During the first day of the training all educators worked in a whole-school setting. First session led by Mr Dawid Bochen, BISS Head of School, related to effective organization and time management strategies. The focus for the rest of the day was on effective assessment practices and teaching strategies, facilitated by Mr Glen Pamment, BISS Pre-K 12 Principal. Both BISS leaders are experienced IB workshop facilitators who lead workshops for teachers and administrators across the Asia-Pacific region.


On the second day elementary school faculty was creating engaging learning experiences for students under the guidance of Ms Francoise Raoult, BISS PYP teacher leader. During the afternoon session educators participated in “Mathematics in the PYP” mini-workshop led by Mr Pamment. Secondary school teachers were focusing on interdisciplinary teaching strategies and guided by Mr Josh Brown, BISS IB Middle Years Programme coordinator, designed 3 interdisciplinary units based on students’ interests. The units will be taught in January across all MYP classes and students will have the opportunity to decide which project they would like to participate in.



BISS teachers participating in learning activities