News & Events

BISS Welcomes New Year of the Rat!

05/02/2020 2307

It has been a long-held tradition for BISS International School to hold Chinese New Year celebrations during this time of the year. On January 23rd, students, parents and teachers gathered together during Chinese New Year’s Assembly and engaged in various activities of the BISS Chinese Culture Carnival.


“As an IB School located in the heart of China, we believe that the celebration of Chinese Lunar New Year is a wonderful opportunity for our students to learn about the beauty and rich history of the Chinese culture” said Mr Dawid Bochen, BISS Head of School.


This year's student performances included a “Lion dance”, Chinese shadow play and various traditional Chinese songs and dances. After the performances, students, parents and teachers set-up charity-sale stalls with traditional home made dishes, as well as Chinese paintings and calligraphy stations. Every guest could get a sugar figurine made by an invited Sugar Figurine master. The day was concluded by degustation of dumplings prepared by students and parents from the Parent-Teachers Association.


BISS community is proud of its family-like culture, where every student feels valued and cared for as an individual learner. Personalized learning is one of the ways in which BISS mission of educating and empowering students to attain personal excellence and positively impact the world, is applied in our everyday practice.


BISS attaches great importance to families’ engagement with the school. “We are happy to be a close and caring community where every student, teacher and parent has the opportunity to contribute to the school's life” said one of BISS parents who attended the celebrations.


We wish you a lucky and healthy Year of the Rat!